The first meeting of the Madison County R/C Flyers was August 13th 1967 in Jim Mahoney's kitchen. Officers elected were President Bob Stuart, Vice President Don Blackwell, Secretary/Treasurer Bill Hammock.
The BIG event of the year was the September Fly-in. Entry fee was $1.oo. There were 14 contestants and the club made a Whopping Profit of $12.26. Club Fuel cost was $2.25 per gallon.
CHARTER MEMBERS were Bob Stuart, Bill Patton, Joe Holtsclaw, Dick Fish, Kenneth Brown, Jack Maley,Jim Mahoney, Marion Perry, Don Blackwell, Manual Cantrell, Don HuHuffman, Bill Hammock, Marvin Leazenby,Charlie High, Henry Oberholtzer.
(click on poster thumbnails for full size photo view of front and back of Fly-in poster) |

Officers remain the same for the year except for Secretary/Treasurer. Marion Perry took over the job in mid year. The September Fun-Fly was the only event of the year.
Elected officers of the year are President Dick Fish, Vice President Larry Dailey, Secretary/Treasurer Marion Perry.
It was decided tht this year the Fun-Fly would be the first Sunday in May and this would be the annual event. The club put on a flying exhibition at the Elwood 4th of July celebration.
We lost our flying field at the Huffman's Gravel Pit in September. In October Aaron McCord came to our rescue with a new and better flying field.
Elected officers of the year are President Jack Maley, Vice president Bob Whitehead, Secretary/Treasurer Larry Dailey. President Jack Maley died of a heart attack before the first meeting in January. Bob Whitehead took over the office.
The sun shelter and picnic table were built by the club members. The club had a picnic dinner and flying afterwards at Kilbuck Park.
Elected officers of the year were Henry Oberholtzer, Vice president Allen Rode, Secretary/Treasurer Dick Fish.
The club received its first AMA charter.
The May Fun-Fly was held at Knotts Airport in Alexandria and it was a big successs with a profit of $823.oo
The Anderson Airport is to be the new meeting place for monthly club meetings.
Elected officers of the year were President Tom Bonar, Vice president Dick Darlington, Secretary/Treasurer Cliff Wadsworth.
The club acquired a steel shed to store the mowers in. The first AMA pattern contest was a two day event held on the September Labor Day weekend. The club made a profit of $355.oo.
New membes wer Dick Adams, Jim Bryan, Bob Brobst, and Phil Ray.
Elected officers of the year were President Steve Darlington, Vice president Everett Riley, Secretary/Treasurer Marvin Leazenby.
The club voted to have a newsletter and the first editor was Jerry Payton. Members wer ask to submit articles for publication. The newsletter was to be called "Pit-Talk".
The Spring Fun-Fly and the September pattern contest were the events of the year.
New members were Dick Pegg and Glen Ehle. Late in the year work started on getting the club incorporated. Phil Ray put in a lot of time on this project.
Elected officers of the year were President Charley Therien. The Vice President/ Treasurer was Jerry Payton. Secretary was Phil Ray. Jerry Payton remained as newsletter editor.
Phil Ray completed the project and the club was incorporated in April.
The events of the year wer the Spring Fun-Fly and the September Pattern Contest. Profits for September were $521.oo
A paved landing strip was laid at a cost of $1665.oo
New members were Jack VanMetre, Mike Sharp, Ron Dailey,and junior member Andy Conover |
Elected Officers of the year were President Dick Adams, Vice president Bill Wylam, Secretary Mike Sharp, and Treasurer Jack VanMetre.
The newsletter was turned over to Phil Ray and Dick Adams. The Model of the Month contest was started in January. The club put on a display at Mounds Mall in January with over 50 models being shown, plus Watson's personal display. We also ran Swamp Buggies out in the parking lot on the snow.
The event of the year was the Spring Fun-Fly with a profit of $149.oo and the Pattern Contest was notheld because the Anderson Airport was closed for construction. The Fall Fun-Fly was started
Elected officers of the year were President Steve Darlington, Vice president Dick Pegg, Secretary Ron Dailey, Treasurer Jack VanMetre. Steve Darlington resigned in March and Marion Perry finished the year as club president .
The events of the year were the Spring Fun-Fly with a profit of $200.oo and the Fall Fun-Fly with a profit of $124.oo.
New member was Sonny Harris
Elected officers of the year were President Mike Sharp, Vice President Jim Stum, Secretary Ron Dailey, Treasurer Henry Oberholtzer.
The events of the year were the Spring Fun-Fly with a profit of $178.oo and the Fall Fun-Fly with a profit of $227.oo
Elected officers of the year were President Don Huffman, Vice president Sonny Harris, Secretary Ron Dailey, and Treasurer Ralph Stum.
This year saw a first for the Spring Fun-Fly. It was rained out.
The club had a model display at Mounds Mall in April. The Fall Fun-Fly was the biggest ever with 53 contestants and netted a profit of $392.oo. Jack VanMetre heroicly stopped a run-a-way plane with his legs. The model was OK by Jack needed immediate repair.
Elected officers of the year were President Jack VanMetre, Vice president Don Baker, Secretary Ron Dailey,and Treasurer Ralph Stum.
The Spring Fun-Fly netted a profit of $220.oo and the Fall Fun-Fly only netted $74.oo
Sonny Harris donated and built a new steel building for storage of mowers and supplies and for concessions during an event.
There was some excitement at the flying field when Dave Teter scored a bullseye and flew his plane right through an upstairs window of the old farm house on the South side of the flying field.
A new sign was installed at the Flying Field

Elected officers of the year were President jeff Montgomery, Vice president Dick Fish, Secretary Ron Dailey, and Treasurer Ralph Stum.
The year had two very successful Fun-Fly's. The Spring netted a profit of $275.oo and the Fall $428.oo
A large turnout of club members met at the field in November and installed the wiring for electricity.
Elected officers of the year were President Mike Coletta, Vice president Ralph Stum, Secretary Dave Teter, and Treasurer Dick Pegg.
This was big year for the club and the flying field for electricity was installed in the club building with lights and a regrigerator was installed. Land owner Aaron McCord had a well dug for the club. Club members now had cold water and a refrigerator with cold pop for flying on the hot Summer Days.
The Spring Fun-Fly netted a profit of $219.oo Kevin Harris won most of the trophies. The Fall Fun-Fly netted a profit of $278.oo
The cost of fuel is getting outrageous at $7.oo per gallon
A North/South run-way was added and the main run-way was extended to the road.
Sonny Harris made the trophies for the Spring Fun-Fly. They were wood in the shape of our state with engraved plates and finished with a clear resin. The trophy for the "Over-All" winner was the same design with a clock in the center. The trophies were the talk of the day.
Elected Officers of the year were President Sonny Harris, Vice president Dick Fish, Secretary Jeff Montgomery, and Treasurer O.M. Goodman
The club netted a profit of $331.oo at the Spring Fun-Fly. Bob Tolbert won first in Bomb Drop. The Fall-Fun-Fly was a big success with a profit of $735.oo.
The club hosted the State Fun-Fly and took a bath on that event.
The Fall Fun-Fly brought a new concept in trophy distribution. All events and rounds were totalled and the first ten places received trophies. This eliminated one person winning all.
Elected officers of the year were President Bob Tolbert, Vice President Kevin Harris, Secretary Henry Oberholtzer, and Treasurer Mike Sharp.
There were two very fine Fun-Flys. The Spring netted $227.oo and the Fall $599.oo
The field was in need of new rest rooms of the outhouse variety, so, Mike Coletta attacked the lumber pile and donated a very nice looking outhouse.
The club elected to have an interclub event a the field. Don Wehrley furnished a pig and there was a pig roast along with pylon races. The event was enjoyed by everyone and it was hoped that it would become an annual event.
Elected officers of the year were President Don Wehrley, Vice President Don Maguire, Secretary Dick Adams, and Treasurer Mike Coletta.
note to all...If you have..."More to Add"
on club history.. please contact the editor.
Thanks to Ron Dailey for the cartoons from publications from early model aviation publications.
If you click the small thumbnail, you can view the full size image.